24 divided by 3 – You might be surprised!
The Short Answer 24 ÷ 3 = 8 How we got there (it involves cookies!) Division is a way of finding out how many groups of a certain size can fit into a larger amount. Here's an example: let's say you have 24 cookies, and you want to divide them equally among 3 of your...
What is 6 Divided by Zero – Don’t Click Here, Seriously, Don’t.
Ha! We knew you’d click anyway! Well…since you’re here, we might as well give you the answer for 6 divided by zero. The Short Answer 6 divided by zero is…undefined The Slightly Less Short Answer What does that even mean? First…a joke. Why was the math book sad? ...
Why Do People Choose Homeschooling?
Homeschooling, also known as home education, is an increasingly popular choice for parents who want to take a more active role in their child's education. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the number of homeschooled students in the United...
13 as a decimal – The answer you won’t believe!
The Answer 13.0 The Answer as Poem (of course) Thirteen as a decimal is quite fun, It's written as 13.0 and it's second to none. But if we want to be more specific, We can add a decimal part, it's terrific. Thirteen and a quarter is written with glee, As 13.25, so...
The Ultimate Guide to IB Curriculum for Parents & Educators
What is the IB Curriculum and why should I care? The International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum is an international educational foundation that offers a wide range of programs to its students. The International Baccalaureate Organization is a global network of...
Easy Peasy Homeschooling – Why It’s the Best Way for Christian Families to Educate Their Children
Easy Peasy Homeschooling - What is it? Easy Peasy Homeschooling is a homeschool curriculum that is designed to make homeschooling easy and fun. It was created by a homeschooling mom who wanted to make the process easier for other parents. Easy Peasy Homeschooling...