What is Homeschooling and How Can Curriculum Help?

To start, it would be useful to distinguish between homeschooling and traditional schooling before delving into the different curriculum options.

Homeschooling is a form of education that is done at home and it can be done by parents or by the child themselves. Curriculum is a set of courses, classes or lessons that are planned in order to achieve a certain goal. Curriculum is an important part of education and it is used to educate students and children in any learning environment. Homeschooling styles can be defined as a set of rules, values and philosophies that guide the teaching and learning process.


Homeschooling is an educational practice that has been growing in popularity over the past few years. It has increased as a result of the pandemic, whether by choice or not. Some families chose to keep their children out of school due to the close quarters a traditional classroom entails.  Others may have had to pivot their lifestyle and move to a more remote area that made getting to school more of a challenge. In some cases, parents decided to try homeschooling since their work situation may have changed and provided more flexibility to be more involved in educating their children.

In contrast, the traditional school system has been around for a long time, and is still the most common way of teaching. There are many different types of schools in the traditional school system. The two main types are public and private schools. Public schools are funded by taxes, which means that they can offer lower tuition rates than private schools. However, they often have more stringent requirements for students such as holding a certain GPA* or being on a waiting list to get in. Private schools usually have higher tuition rates but do not have the same requirements as public schools.

Homeschooling is also often used as an alternative to traditional school for children who struggle in school, have learning disabilities, or for those who are gifted and want to learn more about topics outside their curriculum.  Curriculum helps homeschooled students learn what they need to know for their future goals and career paths.

Homeschool Curriculum for Different Types of Learners

Different people have different learning styles and it is important to cater to these differences when homeschooling. For example, visual learners will benefit from hands-on activities that require drawing or painting, while verbal learners will benefit from reading and listening to lectures.

Visual learners are people who learn better through visual stimuli. They are able to process and retain information better when it is presented visually. In the world of education, this has been a major breakthrough as there is a huge number of students that learn best through visual content.  Some research has found that pictures, videos, infographics and other visual content can help students retain more information than text-based content. The same research suggests that these types of media can also improve student comprehension and understanding by making the material easier to understand.

Verbal learners are people who learn best through auditory or spoken information. They are more likely to remember information that they have heard or read than those who learn visually.  It is important to note that verbal learners may not be able to process information as quickly as those who are visual learners. Verbal learners often need more time to process and understand the material they are learning, which can lead to frustration if the material is presented in a way that is too fast or dense.

How to Choose the Best Homeschool Curriculum for Your Family

Choosing the best homeschool curriculum for your family can be a daunting task. There are so many options and it is hard to decide which one will work best for you. 

Here are things you need to consider when choosing a curriculum for your family so that you can make an informed decision.

The first and most important is the student’s interests. This is because it will determine their level of engagement in the course, which is crucial for any educational institution. Another factor to take into account is the student’s prior knowledge. It will be difficult for someone with no background in a subject to learn about it from scratch, so it would be better if they learned something more familiar before tackling something new.  The third and final factor that should be considered when choosing a curriculum is the institution’s requirements. Every school has its own requirements that are necessary for students to meet in order to graduate, so it is important that these requirements are met before enrolling in any courses at that school or else they might not graduate with their desired degree after all.

There are many different homeschooling methods that a parent can use to educate their child. Some of these methods have been around for centuries while others are modern. The three main types of homeschooling are traditional, classical, and unschooling. Traditional homeschooling is the most common form of homeschooling and it follows the traditional school day schedule. Classical homeschooling is similar to traditional but focuses on teaching children about history and literature. Unschoolers believe in following a child’s natural curiosity, so they don’t follow any set curriculum or schedule.

To go into more detail, here are the main homeschooling styles to choose from:

– Unit studies: This style is often used for students in elementary school. In this style, the student learns about one topic for a given period of time. The student then does hands-on activities related to that topic. Unit studies are a great way to teach kids about different topics and skills. They offer a more hands-on approach to learning that engages students in the learning process. The best part is that they can be used for any grade level, making them an excellent tool for homeschoolers or teachers looking for ways to give their students some variety in their studies.

– Classical education: This style is based on the idea that children should be taught about different subjects in chronological order, starting with ancient Greece and Rome and moving forward through history until modern times. The classical education system is based on the idea that humans are rational beings, who can be educated to make informed decisions. The focus of this system is on teaching students how to think, not what to think.

This form of education is made up of three parts:

  • Socratic Dialogue
  • Classical Rhetoric
  • History and Philosophy

– Montessori education: This style focuses on teaching children through hands-on activities with an emphasis on individualized instruction at their own pace. It’s often used in preschools and elementary schools. Montessori education is a method of instruction developed by Maria Montessori. It is based on the principle that children are individuals and have different needs and learning styles. The Montessori method has been shown to benefit students in a wide range of ways, including increased self-esteem, improved concentration, and greater creativity.

The Montessori Method began in 1907 when Dr. Maria Montessori opened her first classroom for children at the Institute of Pedagogy in Rome, Italy. It was an instant success with both parents and educators who saw its potential for addressing the educational needs of all children, not just those who fit the mold of previous generations.

– Unschooling: Unschooling is a style of homeschooling without the use of textbooks and other formal curricula. It is based on the belief that children learn best through self-directed interest in topics of personal significance. It’s not a curriculum or a series of lessons, but rather an educational philosophy that supports the student’s natural curiosity and provides opportunities for students to pursue their own interests in their own way while they build upon their strengths and develop new skills.

The term “unschooling” was coined by American educator John Holt in 1977 to describe his own approach to teaching without formal instruction, which he had been practicing since 1966.

What are the Best Resources for Homeschoolers?

There are many resources for homeschoolers. They range from those who want to teach their children at home, to those who are looking for a curriculum that is more in line with their values and beliefs.

The first step to finding the best resources for homeschoolers is to ask what your child needs. Do they have any disabilities or learning difficulties? Do they need extra help? What are your goals for your child’s education? Do they perform better when in a traditional school setting or do they prefer to learn in the calm and quiet environment of home? Do they enjoy screen-time and could benefit from more online learning than in-person? 

If you’re a parent, you may also want to talk with other parents, educators and experts in the field of homeschooling. Ask them what they think might work best for your situation and what they recommend. From there, explore the internet. There are many free resources such as 2chool4school that help teach the curriculum specific to your child’s grade and by subject.  You’ll find hundreds of resource recommendations not just online, but also in the community such as the library or community center to the location playground and neighborhood businesses.

Conclusion: Choosing the best fit and deciding on a curriculum

Homeschooling has become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to provide children with an education that meets their needs and interests. While homeschooling can have many benefits, such as increased personalization and academic excellence, it can also present its fair share of challenges. The internet is a great resource for homeschoolers, providing helpful advice on things like curriculum, teaching methods and more.

At the end of the day, there isn’t a specific curriculum that’s perfect for everyone. You know your kids the best, try different methods out and take the key learnings and make the perfect curriculum that works best for your family.

*The GPA is a measure of the student’s performance in a class. It is calculated as the ratio of the grade points earned to the credit hours attempted. The GPA is not an absolute measure of a student’s academic performance, but it is often used as an indicator of success in college.