The Answer


The Answer as  Poem (of course)

Thirteen as a decimal is quite fun,
It’s written as 13.0 and it’s second to none.
But if we want to be more specific,
We can add a decimal part, it’s terrific.

Thirteen and a quarter is written with glee,
As 13.25, so easy to see.
The whole number part is still 13, of course,
But the decimal part is .25, of course.

We can write decimals with more precision,
Like 13.250 with its added decision.
The whole number part stays the same,
But the decimal part has an extra name.

Decimals are a helpful way,
To write numbers in a special way.
They can be precise and easy to see,
Just like thirteen as a decimal, don’t you agree?

The Slightly Less Poetic Answer

13 as a decimalWhen we talk about numbers, there are different ways we can write them down. One way is called a “decimal.” Decimals are a way to write numbers that have parts that are smaller than one.

For example, the number 13 can be written as a decimal like this: 13.0. The “13” is the whole number part, and the “.0” is the decimal part. The decimal part is always written after the whole number part and is separated by a decimal point.

But what if we want to write a number that has parts that are smaller than one, like 13 and a quarter? We can do this by using decimals too! To write 13 and a quarter as a decimal, we would write it like this: 13.25. The “13” is still the whole number part, and the “.25” is the decimal part. The decimal part is made up of two parts: the number “2” and the number “5.” The number “2” is in the tenths place, which is the place value for the number “0.1.” The number “5” is in the hundredths place, which is the place value for the number “0.01.”

So, when we add up the whole number part and the decimal part, we get 13 + 0.25, which is equal to 13 and a quarter.

It’s important to remember that decimals can be written with different numbers of digits after the decimal point. For example, we can write 13 and a quarter as 13.25, or we can write it as 13.250, which has an extra “0” at the end. Both of these decimals are correct, but they have a slightly different level of precision. The first one, 13.25, is more precise because it has two digits after the decimal point, while the second one, 13.250, has three digits after the decimal point.

Decimals can also be written with a whole number part of zero. For example, 0.25 is a decimal that represents a quarter. The whole number part is zero, and the decimal part is “.25,” which represents a quarter.

I hope this helps you understand what decimals are and how they work. Decimals are a really useful way to write numbers, especially when we need to be more precise.

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